Equation of a Circle
Equation of a Circle Notes

We find the equation of a circle from the coordinates of its centre and its radius. Consider this circle whose centre is at the point (a,b) and whose radius is r. The equation of the circle is given by
For a particular circle, the values of ,
are specified whereas
are left as general points. This is much like when we specify
when we have the equation of a given straight line. Note that the equation of a straight line in this form is explicit – this means that y is the subject and is given in terms of x. The circle equation, on the other hand, is implicit – put simply the x and y appear anywhere in the equation.
The derivation of the equation of a circle is from an application of Pythagoras and can be seen by drawing a right-angled triangle such that the radius is the hypoteneuse – see the derivation here. If we pick any point on the circle , we see that the shorter sides have lengths
while the hypoteneuse has length
. Since this is true for any point on the circle it follows that
You will be presented with questions that expect you to know the equation of a circle. Other questions might bring in knowledge from other areas of maths such as finding mid-points. In more complicated questions they may ask you to find gradients using the knowledge that a tangent to a circle is perpendicular to its radius. Before we try some examples, we will look at some of the other things you need to know about circles.
Things to Learn for Circle Equation Questions
You should know the following facts:
- Most importantly, the equation of a circle.
- Secondly, that the angle subtended from a diameter at the circumference is a right angle.
- Next, the radius and tangent touch at right angles to one another.
- Finally, a perpendicular from a chord bisects the chord.
You should be able to find the equation of a circle:
- using completing the square and/or Pythagoras,
- given a triangle that has all three points on its circumference and
- find the equation of a tangent using perpendicular gradients.
Past exam question and solutions on the equation of a circle including the equation of a tangent.
Past AS maths exam question on circle geometry which is also heavy on trigonometry.